"A galactic aquarium experience." (This is Star Wars fanfiction for a fan novel in Panhistoria, an online roleplay.)
Deep Oceans Cafe
Deep dish flatbread
Deep dish Colo claw fish pie
Deep-fried Colo claw fish
Deep dish blatberry pie
Deep dish blluefruit pie
Deep dish bllue milk pie
Deep (tall) blue macarons
Bottomless Drinks (same day visit only) in special cup
Fizzade, Fizzyglug, Diet Fizzyglug, Fizzy-Bip, Fizzee.
Flavors: original, Zherry, Zoochberry, Blumfruit, Juri Juice, Roseberry, Bluefruit, Jun-Lime, Kavasa fruit, Liwi fruit, Beebleberry, Chandrilan grappaberry, Wasaka berry, Anilam.
Deep (tall) blue milkshake
Note: Colo claw fish, blatberry, and the types of drinks canon. The flavors of the desserts are canon, and the drink flavors are canon, but flavored fizzy drinks aren’t, and the desserts aren’t.